Quality Policy

Plan de recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia

ORIONIS is aware of the need to constantly improve in order to be able to adapt to the increasingly demanding conditions of its customers and the market, as well as to a society that is increasingly committed to the environment, and in this way to stand out from its competitors.

Aspects related to quality and environmental management are a fundamental part of the company’s policy and are reflected in our policy, which presents the following bases:
• Ensure that the company is economically stable and profitable
• Ensure that the design of its products meets the applicable requirements, specifications and instructions
• Promote personalized customer service, with constant communication, in order to achieve stable collaboration agreements. Ensure quality in customer service both at the product level and at the level of compliance with deadlines and conditions
• Offer our customers an after-sales service adapted to their needs, prioritizing the service to those customers with a maintenance contract
• Promote specific commercial policies for each sector of action
• Promote the continuous improvement of our technological and human capacity for the development of new products or services
• Satisfy the requirements set forth by interested parties: shareholders, suppliers, customers, collaborators, etc…
• Consolidation of our image as manufacturers
• Achieve the most efficient manufacturing systems that achieve the greatest possible cost savings to be competitive
• Involve, train, motivate and engage staff in order to seek their participation in the management, development and application of the Integrated Management System
• Continuously improve the effectiveness of the integrated management system and establish a reference framework for establishing quality and environmental objectives
• Comply with all legal and regulatory requirements to which the company and our products are subject. In particular, ensure compliance with the laws, regulations and standards applicable to the activities carried out.
• Promote research, development and use of new technologies and processes, in order to improve the quality and reliability of the products and services offered to our clients
• Control and reduce technological risks
• Equip ourselves with technological development capacity for better competitive positioning
• Develop and maintain a technological surveillance effort, placing emphasis on developments with a high impact on the market.
• Identify and prioritize the most appropriate mechanisms for protection and exploitation of results according to the general interests of the company.
• Promote teamwork and goal-orientation
• Constantly set quality management objectives and goals
• Develop our activity committed to protecting the environment, preventing pollution, complying with applicable legislative requirements or other environmental requirements to which we subscribe, as well as adapting to the new demands of society in terms of environmental sustainability
• Integrate the Environmental Management System throughout our organization with a life cycle analysis approach that allows us to address environmental risks, and implement economically viable methods that reduce our environmental impact throughout the stages of the life cycle of our products and services

Meeting the expectations of all the organization’s customers currently represents a challenge due to its complexity, diversity and speed of change. Despite this, we are committed to ensuring that our products and services meet the requirements of customers and applicable regulations, with the highest quality and in the shortest possible time.
To achieve these objectives, the Management has undertaken the development and implementation of an integrated Quality and Environmental Management system, according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and UNE-EN ISO 14001 Standards.

This Policy is the reference framework for said System and therefore, the Management of this company assumes maximum responsibility and undertakes to provide all the necessary resources, establish and review precise procedures to satisfy it and objectives of the integrated system that are established from it.

PSG-R01. Management System Policy_02-10-2024
