irrigation networks
IoT for irrigation networks of irrigation associations.
IoT for irrigation networks of irrigation associations.
IoT for drinking water networks and for urban irrigation.
IoT for waste water and stormwater networks.
IoT for precision agronomic irrigation.
IoT for rivers, canals and preservation of the environment.
irrigation controllers with datalogger and IoT technology for automation applications and remote control irrigation
remote terminal units (RTU) and dataloggers with IoT technology for monitoring, telemetry and remote control of hydraulic infrastructures and conservation of the environment for applications where low power consumption is required.
modular remote terminal units (RTU) with datalogger and IoT technology for monitoring, telemetry and remote control of hydraulic infrastructures, environment.
connectivity and interoperability software and soft-tools for data analysis and remote management for irrigation networks
SaaS for irrigation and water management and for monitoring hydraulic infrastructures and the environment.