Stack IoT

Plan de recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia

Our technology is Internet of Things IoT with a stack that covers the range of sensors, RTU datalogger, expert software and digital services:

  • sensors: detecta, for water cycle applications: quality sensors, hydraulics, energy, soil and climate sensors
  • RTU dataloggers IoT: sigma, delta and alpha, to solve the problem of irrigation, water networks and their hydraulic infrastructures
  • interoperability and connectivity: conecta, connectors, drivers and API for communication and secure interoperability with the Orionis RTU and with third-party systems
  • expert software for water networks: hidranet, for the management of irrigation networks and urban water
  • data exploitation analysis tools: monitor-tools, configurable tools for modeling the database of SQL databases and for the exploitation of information: historical, reports and alarms.
  • digital services: app nebula, and monitor, SaaS for irrigation and water management and monitoring of hydraulic infrastructures and the environment

stack IoT

of products and services
